Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Mormons at our BBQ!

 This week was so much FUN! We had a lesson with Kate and Connie, we went to the temple, and had a family BBQ!

The Indy temple is soooo beautiful, the beauty is beautiful. Everyone we talk to that went through the Open house has loved the reverence and purity of the way we treat the building. One day, one day they will be able to feel that same reverence and purity in there lives! I am so grateful for the opportunity we had this week to go through and feel the power that my Savior has.

Our lesson with Connie went well, she read the pamphlet and loved not being the only one to ask which church in true. She found a great connection with Joseph Smith and knows that she need to pray to know for herself. Her grandnephew came home in the middle of the lesson and seemed a little interested. We are going back next week to see how she is doing, she says her memory isn't to great but she loves to read so pray for Connie.

We were invited to a less-actives family BBQ on Saturday. What an
event! Sister Womack and I had so much fun. We shared stories about vacations, watch out for those creepy BnB in Deloris Colorado. It felt a lot like we were the Mormons at the Baptist Barbecue, but nothing caught fire by the time we left so it's all good!

This week I've really been working on Mind over Matter. There's
something that a Jewish captive said while in the middle of horrible, heart breaking conditions. Frankl Said "Its not what happens to us, but OUR response to what happens to us that hurts us." I have started to understand a little more what my mind can do. We are to Act, not to be acted upon.
I've had a good run, my mission is only 18 months, but life is much
longer. Take care of your self and your family and all will be good.
Keep smiling!
Love ya!
Sister Partridge

Temple trip with Sister Womack!

Gotta love those park bathrooms!

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