Monday, November 13, 2017

"Jesus is the real deal!"

Hello Hello Everybody!
This week was magical with the Spirit of the Lord! We had a lot of
appointments fall through this week but obedience and diligence helped
us push though! One big miracle we had was from the Worthington
family, Bro W took us around his neighborhood to show us where his
friends lived and share about there lives so we can "tract" into them
this week! The miracle is being able to see/feel just how much he
loves his friends. There would have been no way for me to feel such a
desire for the salvation of so many without the Worthingtons showing
me! Tracting will never be done with this much love before!
- Walter is soooooo close to being on date, he knows its true, he
loves the "feeling" he gets when he comes to church and he has the
best members helping him through his journey! I'm so glad to be apart
of the Lord's work!
    Walter's dad would always say "When life sucks, it's still
Awesome" and I believe him! Wise words Dad, wise words! He's right,
with faith in Jesus Christ life's still awesome!
    Jesus Christ is still cheering us on! He chose to be the redeemer
in heaven for us! He chose to come to earth for us! Jesus Christ chose
to save not just one or two, he chose to save me and You! Oh what love
that must have been! I want you all to know that I love you and you
all mean so much to me! Thank you for the prayers, Have an Awesome
week...because when it sucks, it's still Awesome! :)
Love ya, Sister Partridge

P.S. Broiling toast is a very bad idea! Lol, our fire alarm definitely
works and the oven is still intact! Ha! Never doing that again...

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