Monday, May 28, 2018

Hard is Good! We have Jesus!

Hi Everyone! 
I hope you all are staying nice and cool because it's been H O T here in Indiana! 
I've got a great tan line starting and sister Johnson has a great mission ahead! 
Now let me clarify something, I am not the greatest emailer nor teacher but I do know that the message I share is from God and it is true. This message has improved the quality of my life and it can do the same for you! 

This week has been hard but hard is good. After emailing last Monday we went to the church to play ball and de-stress but I got more and more ancy and anxious to the point where I just wanted to sleep! (This usually happens whenever I think of tracting.)
But that's not what you do as a missionary, instead Sister Johnson and I wanted to be diligent and so we spent a painful amount of time getting to the area where we felt like we needed to be. We really didn't want to go but we went anyway with the goal of talking to 5 people. We felt pulled in the direction of this particular street, then almost no one was home. We knocked maybe 20 doors and only talked to 4 people and a dog, the further we went the later it got and the more humble the houses were. We knock on this little white house at the end of the road. That's when we met the family Sister Johnson and I have been praying for! I would tell you there names but I'm really not sure how to spell them.
We taught a 3 min lesson on Jesus Christ's love and prophets through out time and Joseph Smith on the doorstep.  We were going to set up a time to come back but they just let us in right then and there! We taught and testified and Shawmaka is 14 so she really connected with Joseph Smith. When we read Alma 31:34-35, you could see that there Mom had been touched by the power of the Holy Ghost, for there "souls are precious" to God.
They held the book with such care that you could tell they prized this book over anything else in that moment. 
So on the last door on the street, in the last hour of the day, with the last person to talk to Heavenly Father took us to this family, not for our benefit, but for the benefit of this family! 

I know that God loves us because we are his  children, I know that my family is one example of that love. It's never going to be easy, Elder Ellis gave a talk on this last November. He said "Hard makes us stronger, humbles us, and gives us a chance to prove ourselves."
Elder Ellis tells us to not fear, the phrase "fear not" is all over the scriptures and its becase when we have Jesus Christ on our side we have nothing to fear! 
There is hope and help ahead, today, tomorrow and always! 
Look to the Savior! Read your Book of Mormon! 

Sorry for the long email, it's just been the best week ever and I needed to tell you all about it! 
I love you all and I hope one day to introduce you to Sister Johnson, she's an all-star!
Love ya, have a great week!!! 
Sister Partridge 

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